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Jewish Community Calendar

AJC Advocacy Anywhere: BILA's 15th Anniv w Columbian Pres Ivan Duque

Monday, December 7, 2020
3:00 pm4:00 pm

AJC Advocacy Anywhere will host via Zoom & Facebook live
via computer, tablet, phone; program will be recorded
to celebrate 15th anniversary of BILLA
Columbia is one of the most reliable & strongest ally to US & Israel. In 06 US & Columbia signed a free trade agreement bringing two countries closer & in 2020 Columbia and Israel entered into a similar agreement. Pres Duque announced a plan to open an office in Jerusalem in recognition of Israel as a start up nation. Also this year Columbia recognized Iran backed Hezbollah in its entirety as a terrorist group, strengthening ties w the US & Israel to fight terrorism. Join Pres Duque as he discusses the importance of this trilateral relationship. No fee to attend. Register at

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