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Jewish Community Calendar

Dawn: Dancing through the Darkness with Rebbe Nachman of Breslev

Thursday, February 4, 2021
8:00 pm9:30 pm

Event Description Rebbe Nachman teaches that G!d is found even in moments so lonely and dark that divine hiddenness itself is hidden.

Join rabbis Getzel Davis and David Curiel for an exploration of Reb Nachman’s teachings, stories, and practices designed specifically for dark times of life. The class will arc metaphorically from darkness to dawn even as the Northern Hemisphere follows the calendrical trajectory from Shvat’s darkness, through Adar hiddenness and reversal (meeting on Purim eve for a farbrengen party) and culminating on the cusp of Passover—the light of our collective redemption from Egypt.

The class will feature an experiential component, in which we will learn about Rebbe Nachman’s practice of hitbodedut and his student, Reb Nosson’s practice of making a prayer out of any piece of teaching. We will practice both of these with the aim of bringing the teachings to life in our being.

Since the class meets on the night of Purim, we will offer an optional megilah reading before the class and hold a neo-chassidic farbrengen on that night, with opportunities for deep teaching as well as participant offerings.

Open to all regardless of Jewish status or training.

Online Thursdays 8pm-9:30pm EST

Thursdays - Feb 4, 11, 18, 25*, March 4, 11, 18, 25

*Purim Farbrengen!

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