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Jewish Community Calendar

JCRC Virtual Lunch & Learn

Monday, October 25, 2021
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Communities in Conversation Lunch & Learn
“A Day of Worldwide Learning in Memory of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z”l”
Facilitated by Community Leader, David Margules

The first yarhzeit (the anniversary of a person’s passing) of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks זצ׳׳ל will be on 25th-26th October 2021 – 20th Cheshvan 5782.
To mark this, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust is inviting individuals, families, schools, organizations and communities from around the world to come together to remember the impact Rabbi Sacks made on the Jewish world and beyond, and to learn and teach some of his Torah.

Free and Open to the Community | Advanced registration required

Our Impact This Year

  • 2024 Donors


  • 2024 Annual Campaign


  • Israel Emergency Fund
