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Jewish Community Calendar

Shabbat Nachamu with Cantor Bronwen

Saturday, July 29, 2023
9:30 am12:00 pm
Congregation Beth Shalom

Shabbat Nachamu: Comfort, Comfort, O' My People!

The Shabbat after Tisha b'Av is famous for its haftarah of comfort or consolation. It's a reminder of our resilience, of the still waters that run deep within us. Please join Cantor Bronwen, Jeff Schultz on percussion and Mike Kletter, clarinetist and musical director of the Chai Notes for an intimate Shabbat of Comfort and deep Shabbos ease. Then join us again Saturday morning for a joyful, rousing morning service featuring contemporary Jewish music from the Rising Song Institute. Dvar Torah by Cantor Bronwen.

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