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Jewish Community Calendar

Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Marla Feldman

Friday, January 12, 2024Sunday, January 14, 2024
Congregation Beth Emeth

Rabbi Marla J. Feldman is the Executive Director Emerita of Women of Reform Judaism. A Reform rabbi and lawyer, she was previously Director of Development of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and Director of the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism. She is the author of the book "Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices through New and Ancient Midrash". The Scholar-in-Residence program is made possible through generous grants by the Bernard Kreshtool Memorial and Keil-Hermann Funds.

January 12, 5:30 PM - Congregational Dinner
January 12, 7 PM - Shabbat Service and Program
January 13, 9:30 AM - Bagel Breakfast and Text Study: Egyptian Midwives and Pharaoh's Daughter
January 13, 7 PM - Havdalah, refreshments, and study session for Past Presidents, Board, and Staff
January 14, 9:30 AM - Breakfast and discussion on Jewish women in leadership followed by book signing
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