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Corporate Partners Program Fact Sheet

The Jewish Federation of Delaware is seeking organizations to join our Corporate Partners in their commitment to a place where philanthropy, volunteerism and shared commitment come together to make a difference in our community and around the world. Our Partners are a special group of companies who support the Federation’s philanthropic and community programs that continue to make important progress in human services.

Philanthropy is Good Business

Federation’s Corporate Partnership Program offers a unique opportunity to market your company’s products and services to the local Jewish community, while helping Federation meet its objectives of:

• Developing, nurturing and expanding philanthropic opportunities.

• Meeting the financial demands of the community.

• Increasing the visibility and accessibility of vital human service programs.

• Fostering collaboration among institutions to better meet the complex challenges facing our community.

• Promoting a positive relationship with Israel and Jews around the world.

• Increasing the number of Jews actively engaged in the Jewish and secular community.

What are the Benefits to Corporate Partners?

• Visibility at established and prestigious events.

• Showcase your company to key prospects and patrons.

• Help Federation continue to make a difference in our community.

• Leverage opportunities on the Federation’s website.

• List your logo, services and products on Federation’s weekly e-newsletter and award-winning monthly publication, the Jewish VOICE.

• Receive invitations to select Federation events.

• Choose partnership levels to best “fit” your company’s budget and goal

Federation produces several major events per year, numerous smaller fundraising events, as well as excellent community relations programs such as Shalom Baby, PJ Library, etc.

For example:

Event                                         # of Attendees/Participants

Big Speaker Programs                                              300

Women’s Fall Event                                           200-250

Men’s Spring Event                                             150-200

Annual Meeting                                                          150

Chai Event                                                         100-150

Lion/Pomegranate Women’s                                      100

Major Gifts                                                           75-100

PJ Library Events (Quarterly)                                 30-50

In addition, Federation maintains a database of more than 5,000 local, Jewish households, with over 1,200 donors. It is estimated that 13,000-15,000 Jewish individuals currently reside in Delaware.

Why Support the Jewish Federation of Delaware?

As the convener for the Delaware/Brandywine Valley Jewish community, the Federation is the umbrella organization raising support local and international Jewish organizations. Each year we mobilize the community to raise the crucial funds that bring food, refuge, health care, education and emergency assistance to disadvantaged people living in Delaware and the Brandywine Valley as well as millions of Jews in Israel and around the world. Last year, Federation’s Annual Campaign allocated more than $1.65 million to support local and overseas needs.

Contact Information:

Seth Katzen

President and Chief Executive Officer

Phone: 302.427.2100

Email: Seth Katzen


Our Impact This Year

  • 2024 Donors


  • 2024 Annual Campaign


  • Israel Emergency Fund
