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Jewish Fund for the Future

Ensuring a Jewish future for Delaware today. Tomorrow. Together

Jewish Fund for the Future

Jewish Fund for the Future

No matter how successful, the Federation’s Annual Campaign will NEVER raise enough to provide for the growing needs of our Jewish homeland in Israel and for new facilities, programs, and services necessary to enhance local Jewish life. That is why it is critical for today’s Jewish philanthropists to help provide the financial base upon which further generations of Jews can build.

The Jewish Fund for the Future (JFF) is the endowment arm of the Jewish Federation of Delaware. Endowment funds create a permanent source of funding to assure continuity of the Jewish community. Its donor centered options give individuals and families the flexibility to achieve their charitable goals and create lasting community legacies.

A planned gift to the Jewish community enables you to be present forever. Whether your gift is used to provide for the needs of the Jewish poor, to assist the elderly, to rescue Jews in need around the world, or to fight antisemitism—no matter where or when in the future—you can be there to help.

Please consider creating your permanent endowment with the Jewish Federation of Delaware’s Jewish Fund for the Future. Let your endowment be the link in the chain that adds strength to our community, and acts as a beacon of light to future generations of Jews around the corner and around the world. 

Your Fund may be created and funded now with a donation of cash or securities, or you may create your Fund now and fund it later through a bequest or by adding JFD as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or your IRA/Retirement Plan account.

For information about planned giving and endowments, bequests language and giving options for philanthropic funds and individuals, contact Gina Kozicki, Associate Director, Jewish Fund for the Future at (302) 394-9062.

Choose From Different Fund Options

Designated Endowment Funds

... give the donor the opportunity to endow a particular philanthropic interest, like scholarships to help send teens to Israel, or any other program or project the needs a steady stream of income.

… give the donor the opportunity to direct their philanthropy into areas of a charitable interest (i.e. Jewish education, leadership, etc.) while giving the Federation the flexibility to determine how those funds will be used within the specified area.

…may appeal to donors who have an interest in a particular agency, synagogue, or organization.  An endowment fund established at the Federation for a particular (or multiple) organization which will provide an annual income stream.

Donors may use their Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from their IRA for this type of fund.  This distribution will count towards your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).

Donor Advised the donor, his or her family the ability to engage in proactive, hands-on philanthropy. Administered by the Federation, this tax advantaged alternative to the private family foundation enables the donor to recommend charitable distributions to both Jewish and non-Jewish causes that fit within the grant-making guidelines established by Federation. The investment, recordkeeping and distributions are all managed securely and wisely by JFF.

You will receive an immediate income tax deduction for all contributions to your fund in the year in which you make the contribution and can be made in cash and/or appreciated securities.

A DAF can be established with as little as $5,000 within just a few days, and the low management fees are reinvested in YOUR Jewish community. You and others may make subsequent contributions to your DAF at any time.  A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) cannot be used to fund your DAF.

Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) & Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE)...allows donors to perpetuate their annual gift through a permanent fund.  PACE and LOJE funds are not intended to take the place of a current annual gift.  Instead, they are lasting legacies that will continue to support the annual campaign for generations to come.

Unrestricted Endowments...provides Federation with necessary financial reserves to be drawn on in times of emergency and provide a reservoir of funds for grants for programs and projects of Federation and its agencies that otherwise might not be funded with Annual Campaign dollars.

Choose How You Want To Underwrite Your Fund

Bequests/Trusts... are perhaps the simplest way to provide an endowment or other special gift to the Jewish Federation of Delaware. Naming the Federation as a beneficiary for a set amount or percentage of one's estate in either a will or trust will create and perpetuate your Jewish legacy.

IRAs/other retirement plan assets... may be the best assets to use for testamentary charitable giving, since they have the potential to produce both income and estate taxes. By naming the Federation as a beneficiary of your plan, the gift escapes both of these taxes and generates an estate tax charitable deduction.

Life Insurance...  can be utilized in a variety of ways to create a permanent legacy.  By transferring ownership of a policy to the Federation and naming it as the beneficiary of the policy, you can achieve both income tax and estate tax savings.

Outright Cash Gifts - This is the most flexible way to give.  To create an endowment fund or, to add to an existing fund, you can simply write a check.  You will receive a full income tax deduction for the amount of your gift in the year you make the gift.

Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds - By making a gift of appreciated securities (stocks or bonds) to the Jewish Fund for the Future you avoid capital gains tax and receive an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities.

Our Impact This Year

  • 2024 Donors


  • 2024 Annual Campaign


  • Israel Emergency Fund
